Thursday, September 3, 2009

I am so happy and so is my baby!!!!

After month of dealing with anxiety and depression with regards to Phoebe's issues I feel like a different person. I feel like weights have been lifted off of my back. I am happy, see the joy in each day and feel like I can conquer the world. And Phoebe is so much happier too!!!!! She is a different baby. I can't even begin to describe the change between now and a couple of weeks ago. In all of this I have to give the Lord all of the praise though. He is the One who saw me through each dark day and he is the One now who blesses me each day with joy.

Monday, August 31, 2009

My baby is back!!!!!!!!

After a very stressful, challenging and difficult couple of weeks, especially last week, my baby is happy again. After reactions from food over the past couple of weeks and Neocate last week I was about ready to feel hopeless. Between the congestion, runny nose, reflux, sleeping issues, runny stools, fussiness, and not growing Phoebe was in a bad way. Well, over the weekend she recovered from her reactions. Phoebe is happy, laughing, eating normal (Elecare), ect.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A definite FAIL and NOT good news

Over the past week Phoebe has been trying EO28 Splash and Spoonable Neocate. Well the Spoonable Neocate had her throwing up for 3 hours, poor baby. Tuesday while at the doctor she had horrible explosive diarrhea. Yesterday was a very tough day. She was refusing to drink her Elecare. She was feeling so bad from the Splash the previous day. She would not let me put her down, she had fitful sleep and her poor nose was so congested and runny. She is not thriving right now. Between trialing foods and all of the Neocate she has not gained any weight over this past month again. We are now on month 2 of no weight gain or growth. All foods have been stopped and she will be drinking Elecare only. Dr. Wasserman has said that if she does not make progress in the next couple of weeks that he will have to put her in the hospital and put in a tube to feed her.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Spoonable Neocate

Thank goodness for Vanilla Elecare, EO28 Splash and Spoonable Neocate.

Friday, August 14, 2009

No food

Phoebe is going no food again. We have been bouncing back and forth between food and no food for the past couple of months. It breaks my heart to take food away for Phoebe. She has had such a rough go with food. Since being off of food she is doing so much better. It makes me realize how not good things were. I feel so blessed that there are formulas out there that she can tolerate.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Phoebe's Reactions

Phoebe has had a rough week. This past week I tried giving Phoebe some of Megan's wheat free, gluten free, egg free grain based foods. We tried pretzels, puffs and bread. Phoebe had reactions to all of them. She had runny poop, tummy ache, horrible diaper rash that had welts and bled, runny nose, congestion and cough. My poor baby.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Living with FPIES

I decided to start a blog about our journey with FPIES (Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome). Phoebe's diagnosis of FPIES changed our life in so many ways. Living with FPIES is not easy but I decided to make the most of the journey and do what I can to make the ride as bearable as possible. In the coming days as time permits I plan to detail Phoebe's journey.